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Package Contents
• USB cable  • USB power adapter  • Rechargeable battery  • Power plug  • Battery charger  • Neck strap  • Macro stand
• DL-20  • LE2  • ME2  • EX2  • ST-20  • SR-20  

*Package contents might change depending on your region. For details please contact your local window.


Lens   RICOH lens, 11 elements in 9 groups (5 aspherical elements)
Focal Length
(in 35mm format equivalent)
5 - 25 mm
Approx. 28 - 140mm
Maximum Aperture F3.5(W) - F5.5(T)
Zoom Optical Zoom 5X
Digital Zoom approx. 8.1X
Intelligent Zoom approx. 7X at 10M, approx. 40.5X at 640 (including optical zoom)
Motion Blur Reduction Still Pixel Track SR, Hi-sensitivity anti-shake mode (Digital SR)
Movie Movie shake reduction mode (Movie SR, Movie SR+)
Focus Type 9-point AF, Spot AF, Auto tracking AF
Focus Range
(From lens face)
Standard:0.5m - infinity / 1.64ft. - infinity (entire zoom range)
Macro:0.1 - 0.6m / 0.33 - 1.97ft. (entire zoom range)
1cm Macro:0.01 - 0.3m / 0.03 - 0.98ft. (middle zoom position)
Infinity-landscape, Pan Focus, Manual Focus:available, 2.5m / 8.20ft. (Firefighting Mode)
Number of Effective pixels Approx. 20 megapixels
Image Sensor 1/2.3" CMOS
Number of Recorded pixels Still Size:L(20M), M(10M), S(5M), XS(3M), 2M, 1M, VGA •( ) in aspect 4:3.
• 2M and 1M are available only in the CALS mode.
Aspect:4:3, 3:2, 1:1
• In the CALS mode, the aspect ratio is fixed to 4:3.
Movie 4K, 1920 , 1280
Sensitivity (Standard Output Sensitivity) AUTO, Manual (ISO 125 - 25600)
White Balance Auto, Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten light, Fluorescent light (D:Daylight Color, N:Daylight White, W:White Light, L:Warm White), Ring light, Manual
Display Type 3.0" LCD, approx. 1040K dots, AR Coating (Cover only)
Adjustments Brightness, Outdoor View Setting:±2 Steps
Exposure Control Metering System Multi-segment metering, Center-weighted metering, Spot metering
Exposure Compensation ± 2EV (1/3EV steps)
Capture modes Auto Picture, Program, HDR, Movie, High Speed Movie, Digital Microscope, Interval Shooting, Interval Movie, Surf & Snow, Digital SR, CALS, Watermark Options, Firefighting, Skew Correction, Text, Zoom Macro, Remove Haze, Depth of field composition
Playback modes Slideshow, Image Rotation, Small Face Filter, Ink Rubbing Filter, Digital Filter(B&W/Sepia, Toy Camera, Retro, Color, Extract Color, Color Emphasis, High Contrast, Starburst, Soft, Fish-eye, Brightness, Miniature), HDR Filter, Movie Edit, Red-eye Edit, Resize, Cropping, Image Copy, Protect, Start-up Screen, Recover File, Auto Image Rotation, Skew Correct, File Send
Shutter Speed 1/4000 - 1/4sec.(Mechanical and electronic shutter)
Built-in flash Modes Flash-on and Flash-off modes.
"Red-eye" compensation function employs a pre-discharge.
Flash Range Wide:approx. 0.2 - 5.5m / 0.66 - 18 ft. (ISO Auto)
Tele:approx. 0.2 - 3.5m / 0.66 - 11 ft. (ISO Auto)
Drive Modes One shot, Self-timer, Continuous Shooting, Burst Shooting, M Continuous, S Continuous, Remote Control, Auto Bracketing
Storage Media Built-in Memory (approx. 6.5GB), SD/SDHC/SDXC Memory Card,FlashAir™ Card
Power Source   Rechargeable Battery DB-110
Battery Life Still*1:approx. 340 shots (Rechargeable Battery)
Playback*2:approx. 260 min. (Rechargeable Battery)
Wireless LAN Standards IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (Wireless LAN standard protocol)
(Center Frequency)
2.4GHz (1ch~11ch) / 5GHz (36ch~48ch)
Security WEP(64/128bit), WPA/WPA 2 mixed PSK, WPA/WPA 2 mixed
EAP format enterprise EAP-TLS, PEAP (MS-CHAPv2)
Bluetooth® Standards Bluetooth® v3.0/v4.2 (Bluetooth Low Energy)
(Center Frequency)
NFC Standards Felica,Mifare,ISO/IEC 14443 Type A/B
(Center Frequency)
GPS display mode:LAT/LON, UTM, MGRS
GPS logging, GPS lock, GPS time adjustment, GPS data imprint, UTC data imprint
Electronic Compass Compass heading:Cardinal, Degrees, Cardinal/Degrees Declination, Compass data imprint
Interfaces USB3.0(Type-C), HDMI output terminal (Type D)
Water proof / Dustproof Equivalent to JIS Class 8 waterproof and JIS Class 6 dustproof capabilities
Dimensions Approx. 118.2 (W) x 65.5 (H) x 33.1 (D)mm/4.7 (W) x 2.6 (H) x 1.3 (D) inches (including lens depth)
Weight Approx. 245g / 8.6 oz. (Included dedicated battery and SD memory card),Approx. 218g / 7.7 oz.(Body only)
Included Accessories Rechargeable Battery DB-110, Battery Charger BJ-11,USB Power Adapter, Power Plug, USB Cable I-USB173, Neck Strap, Macro Stand
Languages English, French, Germany, Spanish, Portuguese, Italy, Dutch, Japanese, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Turkey, Greek, Russian, Thai, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Web Camera Video Output USB Video Class 1.1

*1 Recording capacity shows approximate number of shots recorded during CIPA-compliant testing. Actual performance may vary depending on operating conditions.
*2 According to the result of RICOH in-house testing.

Storage capacity (approx.)

Still image L
4:3 3:2 1:1
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 856 1478 2320 963 1659 2599 1135 1961 3039
4GB 480 830 1303 541 932 1460 637 1101 1707
8GB 936 1616 2537 1053 1815 2843 1242 2145 3324
16GB 1873 3233 5075 2107 3631 5687 2484 4291 6648
32GB 3744 6463 10147 4213 7259 11370 4967 8579 13292
64GB 7756 13207 20361 8726 14808 23270 10180 17452 27149
128GB 15501 26395 40692 17439 29594 46505 20346 34879 54256
256GB 30519 51401 81385 34879 57448 88783 40692 69758 108513
512GB 61010 102755 162695 69726 114844 177486 81347 139453 216927
Still image M
4:3 3:2 1:1
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 1699 2916 4495 1909 3220 5018 2247 3785 5832
4GB 954 1637 2525 1072 1809 2818 1262 2126 3275
8GB 1858 3189 4917 2088 3522 5488 2458 4140 6378
16GB 3716 6379 9834 4177 7045 10977 4917 8281 12758
32GB 7430 12753 19661 8351 14085 21947 9830 16556 25506
64GB 15271 25720 40723 16851 28746 44425 20361 32578 48868
128GB 30519 51401 81384 33676 57448 88783 40692 65107 97661
256GB 61038 97662 162770 65108 108513 162770 81385 122077 195324
512GB 122021 195234 325391 130156 216927 325391 162695 244043 390469
Still image S
4:3 3:2 1:1
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 2877 5394 7441 3220 5994 8299 3853 7193 9809
4GB 1616 3030 4179 1809 3366 4661 2164 4040 5509
8GB 3146 5900 8138 3522 6556 9077 4214 7867 10728
16GB 6294 11801 16277 7045 13112 18155 8429 15735 21456
32GB 12583 23593 32542 14085 26214 36297 16852 31457 42896
64GB 25720 48868 61085 28746 54298 69811 34905 61085 81447
128GB 51401 97661 122077 57448 108513 139517 69758 122077 162769
256GB 97662 195324 244155 108513 195324 244155 139517 244155 325541
512GB 195234 390469 488087 216927 390469 488087 278907 488087 650783
Still image XS
4:3 3:2 1:1
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 4404 8299 10789 4904 8991 11988 6539 11357 15414
4GB 2473 4661 6060 2754 5050 6733 3673 6379 8657
8GB 4816 9077 11801 5364 9834 13112 7152 12422 16858
16GB 9633 18155 23602 10728 19668 26225 14304 24844 33718
32GB 19259 36297 47186 21448 39322 52429 28597 49670 67409
64GB 37591 69811 97736 44425 69811 97736 54298 97736 122170
128GB 75124 139517 195323 88783 162769 195323 108513 195323 244154
256GB 139517 244155 325541 162770 325541 325541 195324 325541 488311
512GB 278907 488087 650783 325391 650783 650783 390469 650783 976174
Still image 2M (In the CALS mode) 1M (In the CALS mode)
4:3 4:3
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 6961 11988 15414 8299 14386 17983
4GB 3910 6733 8657 4661 8080 10100
8GB 7613 13112 16858 9077 15734 19668
16GB 15227 26225 33718 18155 31470 39337
32GB 30443 52429 67409 36297 62915 78644
64GB 61085 97736 122170 69811 122170 162894
128GB 122077 195323 244154 139517 244154 325539
256GB 244155 325541 488311 244155 488311 488311
512GB 488087 650783 976174 488087 976174 976174
Still image VGA
4:3 3:2 1:1
★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★
Built-in Memory 30828 53949 71932 35966 53949 71932 43159 71932 71932
4GB 17315 30302 40403 20201 30302 40403 24242 40403 40403
8GB 33717 59005 78673 39336 59005 78673 47204 78673 78673
16GB 67436 118013 157351 78675 118013 157351 94410 157351 157351
32GB 134819 235933 314577 157288 235933 314577 188746 314577 314577
64GB 244341 488683 488683 244341 488683 488683 244341 488683 488683
128GB 488309 976619 976619 488309 976619 976619 488309 976619 976619
256GB 976623 976623 976623 976623 976623 976623 976623 976623 976623
512GB 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349 1952349
Still image

  Built-in Memory 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 128GB 256GB 512GB
★★★ 856 480 936 1873 3744 7756 15501 30519 61010
★★ 1478 830 1616 3233 6463 13207 26395 51401 102755
2320 1303 2537 5075 10147 20361 40692 81385 162695
★★★ 963 541 1053 2107 4213 8726 17439 34879 69726
★★ 1659 932 1815 3631 7259 14808 29594 57448 114844
2599 1460 2843 5687 11370 23270 46505 88783 177486
★★★ 1135 637 1242 2484 4967 10180 20346 40692 81347
★★ 1961 1101 2145 4291 8579 17452 34879 69758 139453
3039 1707 3324 6648 13292 27149 54256 108513 216927
★★★ 1699 954 1858 3716 7430 15271 30519 61038 122021
★★ 2916 1637 3189 6379 12753 25720 51401 97662 195234
4495 2525 4917 9834 19661 40723 81384 162770 325391
★★★ 1909 1072 2088 4177 8351 16851 33676 65108 130156
★★ 3220 1809 3522 7045 14085 28746 57448 108513 216927
5018 2818 5488 10977 21947 44425 88783 162770 325391
★★★ 2247 1262 2458 4917 9830 20361 40692 81385 162695
★★ 3785 2126 4140 8281 16556 32578 65107 122077 244043
5832 3275 6378 12758 25506 48868 97661 195324 390469
★★★ 2877 1616 3146 6294 12583 25720 51401 97662 195234
★★ 5394 3030 5900 11801 23593 48868 97661 195324 390469
7441 4179 8138 16277 32542 61085 122077 244155 488087
★★★ 3220 1809 3522 7045 14085 28746 57448 108513 216927
★★ 5994 3366 6556 13112 26214 54298 108513 195324 390469
8299 4661 9077 18155 36297 69811 139517 244155 488087
★★★ 3853 2164 4214 8429 16852 34905 69758 139517 278907
★★ 7193 4040 7867 15735 31457 61085 122077 244155 488087
9809 5509 10728 21456 42896 81447 162769 325541 650783
★★★ 4404 2473 4816 9633 19259 37591 75124 139517 278907
★★ 8299 4661 9077 18155 36297 69811 139517 244155 488087
10789 6060 11801 23602 47186 97736 195323 325541 650783
★★★ 4904 2754 5364 10728 21448 44425 88783 162770 325391
★★ 8991 5050 9834 19668 39322 69811 162769 325541 650783
11988 6733 13112 26225 52429 97736 195323 325541 650783
★★★ 6539 3673 7152 14304 28597 54298 108513 195324 390469
★★ 11357 6379 12422 24844 49670 97736 195323 325541 650783
15414 8657 16858 33718 67409 122170 244154 488311 976174
2M (In the CALS mode)
★★★ 6961 3910 7613 15227 30443 61085 122077 244155 488087
2M (In the CALS mode)
★★ 11988 6733 13112 26225 52429 97736 195323 325541 650783
2M (In the CALS mode)
15414 8657 16858 33718 67409 122170 244154 488311 976174
1M (In the CALS mode)
★★★ 8299 4661 9077 18155 36297 69811 139517 244155 488087
1M (In the CALS mode)
★★ 14386 8080 15734 31470 62915 122170 244154 488311 976174
1M (In the CALS mode)
17983 10100 19668 39337 78644 162894 325539 488311 976174
★★★ 30828 17315 33717 67436 134819 244341 488309 976623 1952349
★★ 53949 30302 59005 118013 235933 488683 976619 976623 1952349
71932 40403 78673 157351 314577 488683 976619 976623 1952349
★★★ 35966 20201 39336 78675 157288 244341 488309 976623 1952349
★★ 53949 30302 59005 118013 235933 488683 976619 976623 1952349
71932 40403 78673 157351 314577 488683 976619 976623 1952349
★★★ 43159 24242 47204 94410 188746 244341 488309 976623 1952349
★★ 71932 40403 78673 157351 314577 488683 976619 976623 1952349
71932 40403 78673 157351 314577 488683 976619 976623 1952349

*Storage capacity mentioned here is just an indication. The number might defer depending on the brand and type.

Movie recording time (approx.)

[Hours : Minutes' Seconds'']

Movie 3840
Frame rate 30fps 30fps 60fps 30fps 120fps
Built-in Memory 00:09:26 00:47:36 00:47:36 01:18:41 00:29:52
4GB 00:05:15 00:26:42 00:26:42 00:44:09 00:16:44
8GB 00:10:19 00:52:04 00:52:04 01:26:04 00:32:41
16GB 00:20:44 01:44:15 01:44:15 02:52:14 01:05:27
32GB 00:41:32 03:28:30 03:28:30 05:44:25 02:10:57
64GB 01:26:07 07:11:57 07:11:57 11:53:28 04:31:20
128GB 02:52:12 14:23:20 14:23:20 23:45:57 09:02:20
256GB 05:44:29 28:46:46 28:46:46 47:32:00 18:04:45
512GB 11:28:44 57:32:03 57:32:03 95:01:29 36:08:37

Frame rate Built-in Memory 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 128GB 256GB 512GB
30fps 00:09:26 00:05:15 00:10:19 00:20:44 00:41:32 01:26:07 02:52:12 05:44:29 11:28:44
30fps 00:47:36 00:26:42 00:52:04 01:44:15 03:28:30 07:11:57 14:23:20 28:46:46 57:32:03
60fps 00:47:36 00:26:42 00:52:04 01:44:15 03:28:30 07:11:57 14:23:20 28:46:46 57:32:03
30fps 01:18:41 00:44:09 01:26:04 02:52:14 05:44:25 11:53:28 23:45:57 47:32:00 95:01:29
120fps 00:29:52 00:16:44 00:32:41 01:05:27 02:10:57 04:31:20 09:02:20 18:04:45 36:08:37

*You can record up to 25 min. movie for one shot.
*Storage capacity mentioned here is just an indication. The number might defer depending on the brand and type.

System requirements of enclosed software

Supported OS • Windows®11(32bit / 64bit)
• Windows®10(32bit / 64bit)
• Windows Server® 2022(64bit)
• Windows Server® 2019(64bit)
• Windows Server® 2016(64bit)

Required system for Webcam feature

Supported OS Windows® 10
Windows® 11
macOS 11.0 Big Sur
macOS 12 Monterey
macOS 13 Ventura
macOS 14 Sonoma

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