The Lab

Experiment #05: Using Scene Auto mode and Pets mode functions

The Question: What kinds of functions are Scene Auto mode and Pets mode?
When you aim the camera, Scene Auto mode automatically switches to the optimum shooting settings for the scene. Pets mode is convenient when shooting photos of your favorite cats. But can you really use these functions to shoot with settings tailored to the scene? I performed some experiments to find out.

kame Hey director! I just had a good idea!
Director Really? What idea is that?
kame A pet version of face recognition. The camera would detect the faces of pets rather than people. What do you think?!
Director Ha ha, you're too late. That is definitely a good idea but Pets mode already exists. It is a cat-friendly mode that not only detects and focuses on the cat's face but also automatically turns off the flash and the camera sounds.
kame What? It already exists???
Well okay then, I will experiment to see if it really can detect faces.
Director Sounds good, but while you are at it, also check out the convenient Scene Auto mode, which automatically matches the settings to the subject.
kame Well I am going to be so busy that I'll need some cats to help me. I'd better get going!

So, in this experiment, we will be looking at Pets mode and also at Auto Scene mode, which automatically switches the shooting mode.

#1: Using Scene Auto mode #2: Using Pets mode The Report to the Director

Experimentation Environment

Camera :CX3
Subjects :people, scenery, night scenery, animals
* The Lab presents experiments using functions of the Caplio R2 and subsequent models. Scene Auto mode and Pets mode are only available on the CX3 (as of March 2010). For the functions on a given model, please refer to the user's manual.