Optio 33WR
Released in March 2003
(except Japan)
Optio 43WR
Released in May 2004 (in the entire world)
Waterproof function is the core element of WG.
It history began in the film camera and the progress still continues.
1991 Challenge to waterproofing
Released in November 1991
ZOOM 90WR is the world’s first water resistant compact camera with a zoom lens out of the compact cameras produced in the film camera.
In addition to JIS Standard compliant waterproofing function that enables whole washing with tap water, ZOOM 90WR required a high level technology, unique to a zoom lens and unnecessary for a single focus lens, to “let air through while preventing water from passing through.” Pursuit of this camera built the real beginning of the history of waterproofing leading to WG, a tough camera.
ESPIO 105WRReleased in August 1998.
A model featured with the waterproof function of Zoom 90WG along with the zoom function improved to 105 mm
Optio 33WR
Released in March 2003
(except Japan)
Optio 43WR
Released in May 2004 (in the entire world)
Optio 33WR / Optio 43WR are epoch-making models that were produced in the changing days from the film camera to the digital camera and required new waterproof technology.
The bending optical system was adopted to the lens and functions, such as increase in the number of shots by using a memory card, were added. In spite of increase of electric parts used for the camera due to adoption of the digital system, these models were capable of being left at the water depth of one meter for 30 minutes and realized a shocking experience of “putting a camera, an electronic device, into natural enemy water.”
2005 underwater photography
Optio WP
Released in March 2005.
In the early digital camera, “underwater photography” is an unknown experience.
It is Optio WP that realized it. WP means waterproof. This model is a memorable digital camera that enabled underwater photography at the depth of 1.5 meters for 30 consecutive minutes based on the research of underwater operability conducted ahead of anybody in the world. The prototype of WG.
Optio WPiReleased in October 2005.
A model featured with the waterproof function of Optio WP along with the increased LCD size and number of pixels
Optio W10Released in March 2006.
While the functions of Optio WPi were inherited, LCD was sized up to the 2.5-inch display.
Optio W20Released in September 2006.
A model succeeding to Optio W10 and supporting high-sensitivity photography up to ISO1600
Optio W30Released in March 2007.
A waterproof compact digital camera that enabled underwater photography at the depth of 3 meters for 2 consecutive hours
Optio W60
Released in March 2009.
Optio WP changed the field of underwater photography to a regular and daily one. And then, in order to expand the field of waterproof compact digital camera to harder scenes, developed was Optio W60 that has the waterproof function enabling underwater photography at the depth of 4 meters for 2 consecutive hours. Its appearance design was featured with a square and hard image to express that it is a high performance camera.
2009 shockproof function
Optio W80
Released in July 2009.
In the pursuit of enhanced durability of cameras, which was brought about by the change of design concept of Optio W60, shockproof function performance was newly provided to Optio W80.
A model change suggestive of a new camera was made including adoption of rubber to four corners of the housing for a new appearance design.
Optio WS80Released in August 2009.
A model thinner than Optio W80 to be used more casually.
Optio W90
Released in March 2010.
Optio W90 featured with the appearance covered with rubber and LED mounted around the lens is the design base to the current WG, a tough camera.
With the waterproof performance allowing underwater photography at the depth of 6 meters for two hours and resistance strength against a fall of 1.2 meters, performance was improved for use in outdoor scenes.
With the newly mounted digital microscope mode, you are able to approach the subject to a close range of one centimeter at the shortest. Furthermore, 3 LED lamps around the lens always emits light enabling minute photographing of small insect specimens.
2011 A full-scale tough camera
Released in April, 2019
A model incorporating “GPS function” capable of storing the record of location information of shot images as well as positioning log data during transportation. It shortens the distance between Nature and you. Outdoor life is now closer to you.
Optio WG-1
Released in March 2011.
A waterproof compact digital camera featured with capability of underwater photography at the depth of 10 meters for two hours and resistance strength against a fall of 1.5 meters
Optio WG-1 GPS
Released in March 2011.
The first GPS model that records/stores location information and positioning log data
Optio WG-2
Released in March 2012.
A rugged camera that improved the water depth performance of Optio WG-1 to 12 meters
Optio WG-2 GPS
Released in July 2012.
GPS-equipped model to which 6 LED lamps are adopted like Optio WG-2.
Released in March 2013.
A waterproof compact digital camera featured with capability of underwater photography at the depth of 14 meters for two hours and resistance strength against a fall of 2 meters
Released in March 2014.
A waterproof compact digital camera featured with capability of underwater photography at the depth of 14 meters for two hours and resistance strength against a fall of 2 meters.
Released in March 2015.
In addition to having GPS, this model's shock resistance and white balance function have been strengthened.
Released in December, 2023.
A chassis rugged enough for the harshest conditions, from beneath the waves to the tops of the wintry mountains.
Released in March 2013.
A full-scale waterproof camera capable of underwater photographing at the depth of 10 meters for two hours. It joined the product lineup as the standard class model of WG.
Released in March 2014.
A lighter weight was attained while keeping the functions for tough WG-10.
Released in October 2014.
A standard-class waterproof property is upgraded to the depth of 12 meters. It is also capable of Full HD video shooting.
Released in December 2014.
The first Wi-Fi equipped model in WG series.
Released in May 2017.
A chassis rugged enough for the harshest conditions, from beneath the waves to the tops of the wintry mountains.
Released in November 2018.
A chassis rugged enough for the harshest conditions, from beneath the waves to the tops of the wintry mountains.
Released in March 2020.
The all-weather adventure camera. Also perfect in use beneath the waves.
Released in May 2022.
With tough camera body that can shoot even underwater and with various shooting modes makes it useful to adopt in all situations.
2014 New adventure experiences
Released in October 2014.
In WG-Series, RICOH WG-M1 is the first model in a field other than the digital camera field. It enables photographing at the depth of 10 meters without using the dedicated underwater housing. It is a full-scale waterproof action camera equipped with cold-resistant performance for operation at -10℃.
Released in March 2016.
*Movies: 204° in Wide mode, 151° in Narrow mode;
Still images: 202° in Wide mode, 150° in Narrow mode
This action camera provides a host of advanced features, including 4K Full HD movie recording using an ultra-wide-angle lens to capture dramatic, lively movie clips. Distinctive new functions have been mounted such as Seven Image Effect modes to capture movie clips with unique visual effects.
WG Watch
Released in October 2014.
WG Watch is a 10 bar water resistant wrist watch born at the same time with RICOH WG-M1, a waterproof action camera, in WG Series.
It is equipped with tough performances that allows comfortable use in various outdoor scenes. You can enjoy it as an outdoor fashion item in daily life.
*Although this camera is provided with a waterproof design equivalent to IP68, waterproof performance is not garanteed against all level of water pressure. Excessive force to the camera such as dropping, hitting, or high pressure may cause a loss in waterproof performance.