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Inside Story

So That More People Can Taste What Photographic Expression Is All About GX200 Digital Camera

Planning and Design

What is the expanded "range of expression"?


A new compact digital camera that expands your range of expression, the CX1 was launched on March 13. But why was the CX1 a hot topic among camera fans even before its launch? And how has the CX1 expanded the photographer's "range of expression"? -- We asked the product design staff for their thoughts on the new CX1. (Posted on: April 7, 2009)

Special functions

What techniques were used to expand dynamic range?


The top priority goal for the CX1 was to "expand dynamic range." Until now, compact digital cameras seemed destined to suffer from a "narrow dynamic range." We asked the CX1's technical staff how they managed to expand dynamic range to achieve images with rich gradations. (Posted on: April 18, 2009)

Enhanced functions

What new functions further expanded the range of expression?


In order to provide new ways to enjoy photography, the CX1 incorporates a variety of functions that have evolved beyond previous models. We asked the design staff to tell us about new functions that expanded the CX1's range of expression and about how this was achieved. (Posted on: May 7, 2009)

Feutures Functions

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